Completed: September 2023.

Funding: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Partner: Coastal States Organization.

Committee Overlap: Coastal Issues.

Eleanor Rappolee was the 2020 NOAA Digital Coast Fellow working with the ASFPM'S Flood Science Center and the Coastal States Organization on the Community Resilience Guide for Repetitive Flood Loss project. Eleanor holds a masters degree from Michigan State University and specializes in social science methods, GIS techniques, and geomorphology field methods. With her expertise, Eleanor led efforts to develop the Community Resilience Guide for Repetitive Floods Loss, which is a web-based resource that provides technical assistance and training for local floodplain managers on reducing repetitive flood losses. As a part of this effort, Eleanor conducted a community needs assessment wherein she spoke with state and local floodplain managers across the country on their successes and obstacles related to repetitive flooding. Her research highlighted the types of technical assistance floodplain managers need such as, funding, GIS expertise, and public outreach guidance, which informed the development of the training and resources that make up the Community Resilience Guide for Repetitive Flood Loss.

Community Resilience Guide for Repetitive Flood Loss

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Community Resilience Guide for Repetitive Flood Loss project description page - 2023