Completed: October 2019.

Funding: Puerto Rico Planning Board.

Partners: American Planning Association; Build Change; International Code Council; Diversity Professional Service; EStudios Te’cnicoc Inc.

The Institute for Building Technology and Safety (IBTS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was selected for the proposal by the Puerto Rico Planning Board (PRPB) titled, “Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce Project Management Services, Code Enforcement Permit Management Office RFP” Proposal Reference Number: 2019-0001-RFP-02. ASFPM was asked to provide staff time and letters of support for this effort.

ASFPM provided staff that assisted the project advisory panel, and participated in a site visit to Puerto Rico to help standup Permit Management Office (PMO) for the PRPB in support for flood management, floodplain zoning, permitting capacity and inspection services in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Additional staffing from ASFPM may be requested in the future to provide CFM training support for the PMO in the future.

The initial focus for ASFPM was the advisory board and assisting with a draft strategic plan and determining targeted pilot activities to work with selected municipalities in Puerto Rico. These initial steps have been completed.